I. Administrative and executive direction of the department of health and human services shall be under the direction of a commissioner of health and human services who shall be appointed by the governor and council. The commissioner shall hold office for a term of 4 years from the date of the appointment.
   II. The commissioner may enter into such contracts as the commissioner deems necessary for the provision of services to clients of the department and for the operation of facilities of the department, subject to the approval of the governor and council. The commissioner further may receive, expend, control, convey, hold in trust, or invest any funds or real or personal property given or devised to or owned by any facility as the commissioner deems appropriate or expedient. At the discretion of the commissioner, the department may directly operate and administer any program or facility which provides, or which may be established to provide, services to clients of the department, or the commissioner may contract with any individual, partnership, association, agency, or corporation, either public or private, profit, or nonprofit, as, in the discretion of the commissioner, may be necessary and appropriate for the operation and administration of any program or facility which provides services to clients of the department.
   II-a. Sixty days after the end of each fiscal year, the commissioner shall produce an annual report which shall consist of an aggregate schedule of payables for class 90 grant lines, which are greater than $1,000,000, for such fiscal year. Payables shall start with the date the bill for goods or services is received by the department without regard to whether the bill is subsequently adjusted or paid. All payables with a receipt date within the report period shall be included. The report shall be submitted to the legislative budget assistant, the house and senate finance committees, the house speaker, senate president, and the governor.
   III. The commissioner may designate any member of the department to act on behalf of the commissioner or the department. The commissioner further may delegate any duty or authority of the commissioner or the department to any member of the department or to any sub-unit or component of the department.
   IV. Pursuant to RSA 541-A, the commissioner shall have the authority to establish fees, copayments or any other charges for services or assistance provided by or on behalf of the department.
   V. The commissioner shall have the authority to direct an autopsy be made upon the death of any person admitted to, a resident of, or receiving care from the New Hampshire hospital, Glencliff home, or any other residential facility operated by the department or a contract service provider, if the commissioner deems it necessary for the purpose of determining the existence of infection or disease, cause of death, or for other good reason. The findings of any such autopsy shall be treated by the department in accordance with the quality assurance program under RSA 126-A:4, IV and by the medical examiner in accordance with the provisions of RSA 611-B:21, IV.
   VI. The commissioner shall have the authority to make arrangements for the funeral and burial of any person who has not made other arrangements and dies while admitted to, a resident of, or receiving care from New Hampshire hospital, Glencliff home, or any other residential facility operated by the department or a contract service provider. If an autopsy is ordered pursuant to RSA 126-A:5, V, then following the autopsy, the medical examiner shall deliver the body to any person authorized pursuant to RSA 611:14. In the event that a dead body is unclaimed for a period of not less than 48 hours following completion of any autopsy ordered pursuant to this section, then the medical examiner shall deliver the body to a funeral home as directed by the commissioner, who shall decently bury or cremate the body at department expense, or, with consent of the commissioner, it may be sent at department expense to the medical department of a medical school or university, to be used for the advancement of the science of anatomy or surgery, as provided for by law.
   VII. The commissioner shall establish advisory groups or other mechanisms to solicit input from clients and providers of the department and their families regarding the services provided by the department and its contract providers.
   VIII. The commissioner shall establish an appeals process for any individual applying for or receiving services from the department or its contract service providers, any providers, programs, services, or facilities which are licensed or certified by the department, or with regard to actions related to employees of the department or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the appeals process shall include:
      (a) That the appellant may elect either an administrative hearing or an independent review to determine the facts of the matter on appeal.
      (b) If the appellant elects an independent review the hearing officer shall conduct a review in accordance with rules established by the commissioner and shall submit a proposed decision to the commissioner. The commissioner shall then review the proposed decision and issue a final order on the appeal, subject to RSA 126-A:5, VIII(e).
      (c) If the appellant elects an administrative hearing, the hearing officer shall conduct a hearing in accordance with the rules established by the commissioner.
      (d) Unless the commissioner has delegated to the hearing officer authority to issue a decision on behalf of the department, following the hearing, the hearing officer shall submit to the commissioner a proposed decision which shall include:
         (1) A statement of the issues presented in the appeal;
         (2) A summary of the evidence received;
         (3) Proposed findings of fact and rulings of law; and
         (4) A proposed order.
      (e) If following a hearing or review the proposed decision is adverse to the individual applying for or receiving services, facility or employee who made the appeal, or if the commissioner proposes to make an adverse finding, ruling, or order which the hearing officer has not recommended, the commissioner shall provide the appealing party with a copy of the commissioner's proposed decision and offer an opportunity to submit a brief and make an oral argument regarding the contested findings of fact, rulings of law, or proposed order.
      (f) Following a review of a proposed decision after a hearing or review and of a brief and argument in a contested case, if any, the commissioner shall issue a final decision on the appeal.
   IX. The commissioner shall adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to the compensation of the members of the drug use review board.
   X. The commissioner may assess and collect reasonable fees for the duplication of materials made pursuant to RSA 91-A:4 and for material generally available to the public upon request. Such fees shall be based on an amount necessary to recover the cost of producing such documents, regardless of the type of medium used. Fees paid to the department of health and human services shall be continually appropriated to the department. Local, state and federal agencies shall be exempted from these fees.
   XI. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, implementing procedures for state registry and criminal background investigations of all new department staff who have regular contact with children, according to the provisions of RSA 170-G:8-c.
   XII. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner shall, upon request, publicly disclose the information in subparagraphs (c)(3)-(c)(12) regarding the abuse or neglect of a child, as set forth in this paragraph, if there has been a fatality or near fatality resulting from abuse or neglect of a child. Information included in subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) shall also be disclosed if it is determined that such disclosure shall not be contrary to the best interests of the child, the child's siblings or other children in the household and there has been a fatality or near fatality resulting from abuse or neglect of a child. In addition, the same disclosure shall be made when there has been a fatality, to include suicide, or near fatality of a child under the legal supervision or legal custody of the department. In determining whether disclosure will be contrary to the best interests of the child, the child's siblings, or other children in the household, the commissioner shall consider the privacy interests of the child and the child's family and the effects which disclosure may have on efforts to reunite and provide services for the family. If the commissioner determines not to release the information, the commissioner shall provide written findings in support of the decision to the requestor. As used in this section, ""near fatality'' means an act or event that places a child in serious or critical condition as certified by a physician.
      (b) Information may be disclosed as follows:
         (1) Information released prior to the completion of the investigation of a report shall be limited to a statement that a report is ""under investigation.''
         (2) When there has been a prior disclosure pursuant to subparagraph (b)(1) of this paragraph, information released in a case in which the report has been unfounded shall be limited to the statement that ""the investigation has been completed, and the report has been determined unfounded.''
         (3) If the report has been founded, then information may be released pursuant to subparagraph (c) of this section.
      (c) For the purposes of this paragraph, the following information shall be disclosed:
         (1) The name of the abused or neglected child, provided that the name shall not be disclosed in a case of a near fatality unless the name has otherwise previously been disclosed.
         (2) The name of the parent or other person legally responsible for the child or the foster family home, group home, child care institution, or child placing agency where the child is placed.
         (3) The date of any report to the department of suspected abuse or neglect, to include any prior reports on file, provided that the identity of the person making the report shall not be made public.
         (4) The statutory basis and supporting allegations of any such report, provided that the identity of the person making the report shall not be made public.
         (5) Whether any such report was referred to a district office for assessment and, if so, the priority assigned by central intake.
         (6) The date any such report was referred to the district office for assessment.
         (7) For each report, the date and means by which the district office made contact with the family regarding the assessment.
         (8) For each report, the date and means of any collateral contact made as part of the investigation provided that the identity of an individual so contacted shall not be made public.
         (9) For each report, the date the assessment was completed.
         (10) For each report, the fact that the department's investigation resulted in a finding of either abuse or neglect and the basis for the finding.
         (11) Identification of services and actions taken, if any, by the department regarding the child named in the report and his or her family or substitute caregiver as a result of any such report or reports.
         (12) Any extraordinary or pertinent information concerning the circumstances of the abuse or maltreatment of the child and the investigation of such abuse or maltreatment, where the commissioner determines such disclosure is consistent with the public interest.
      (d) Any disclosure of information pursuant to this paragraph shall be consistent with the provisions of subparagraph (c). Such disclosure shall not identify or provide an identifying description of the source of the report, and shall not identify the name of the abused or neglected child's siblings, or any other members of the child's household, other than the subject of the report.
   XIII. The commissioner shall adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to approved headgear required by RSA 265:144, X.
   XIV. [Repealed.]
   XIV-a. (a) The children's health insurance program shall include a public education and outreach component, the purpose of which shall be to increase enrollment by informing new parents of the program's availability and assisting families in the completion of the application process as necessary.
      (b) The department shall, through the New Hampshire healthy kids corporation, allocate funds for the development of a volunteer program to promote the program to eligible families and to identify those families who may require assistance with the application or redetermination process, and provide training and supervision of volunteers. The healthy kids corporation shall coordinate with and utilize the services of Volunteer NH, AmeriCorps, and other volunteer organizations.
      (c) The department shall reimburse designated partner agencies, including health and home visiting providers, who had to provide additional follow-up with applicants an enhanced application fee for the outreach assistance to individuals requesting assistance in the application or redetermination process. Such fee shall be equal to twice the regular application fee.
   XV. The commissioner shall establish a quality early learning opportunity initiative which shall be available on a first-come, first-served basis to families whose income is between 190 percent and 250 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, and whose children are enrolled in a child care program licensed under RSA 170-E, and who otherwise meet all other eligibility requirements for child care assistance. The amount of support provided to eligible families shall be calculated annually by the department and shall reflect the estimated average difference between the cost of licensed child care and unlicensed child care.
   XVI. [Repealed.]
   XVII. The commissioner or designee shall participate in the development of an evidence-based prescription drug education program designed to provide health care providers who are licensed to prescribe or dispense prescription drugs with information and education on the therapeutic and cost-effective utilization of prescription drugs. This program may be developed under the leadership of the New Hampshire Medical Society in partnership with area health education centers programs administered by Dartmouth Medical School and any organization in New Hampshire or other state the partnership shall see fit to consult. The commissioner or partners may seek grants and financial gifts from non-profit charitable foundations to cover planning and development of this program. The commissioner or partners shall present a progress report on the development of the program to the oversight committee on health and human services by November 1, 2008.
   XVIII. (a) The commissioner shall establish the state office of rural health (SORH) within the department. The SORH shall:
         (1) Link rural health and human service providers with state and federal resources.
         (2) Seek long-term solutions to the challenges of rural health.
         (3) Increase access to health care in rural and underserved areas of the state.
         (4) Improve recruitment and retention of health professionals in rural areas.
         (5) Provide technical assistance and coordination to rural communities and health organizations.
         (6) Maintain a clearing house for collecting and disseminating information on rural health care issues and innovative approaches to the delivery of health care in rural areas.
         (7) Coordinate rural health interests and activities.
         (8) Participate in strengthening state, local, and federal partnerships.
      (b) The commissioner may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to accomplishing the goals under subparagraph (a).
      (c) The commissioner shall submit an annual report beginning on November 1, 2009 to the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate president, and the governor on the health status of rural residents incorporating current data from the bureau of health statistics and data management and the SORH.
Source. 1995, 310:1, 199. 1998, 354:1. 1999, 110:2; 223:2. 2003, 206:2, 3. 2004, 98:2, eff. May 11, 2004. 2005, 100:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006. 2006, 258:18, eff. July 1, 2006; 299:3, eff. June 15, 2006. 2007, 156:4, eff. Aug. 17, 2007; 167:2, eff. Aug. 17, 2007; 263:12, 126, eff. July 1, 2007; 324:11, eff. Sept. 14, 2007; 345:1, eff. Sept. 14, 2007. 2008, 119:1, eff. June 3, 2008; 367:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2009. 2009, 144:41, eff. July 1, 2009.