I. Applications for individual guarantee certificates shall be made jointly by a landlord and qualified tenant to a local housing security provider for the geographic region in which a subject housing unit is located.
   II. Applications for guarantee certificates shall include:
      (a) Name, address, and telephone number of the landlord.
      (b) Address of the subject housing unit.
      (c) Name of the qualified tenant.
      (d) The dollar amount of the requested security deposit.
      (e) The dollar amount of the qualified tenant's income.
      (f) The dollar amount of monthly rent to be charged for the subject housing unit.
      (g) A copy of the subject lease or rental agreement, if any, governing the tenancy. If no written lease agreement is provided, program participants shall comply with the terms of form lease agreements approved by the department.
      (h) Sworn statements from both the landlord and the qualified tenant describing their prior participations, if any, in the security deposit guarantee program established under this subdivision.
      (i) The landlord's written agreement to accept a guarantee certificate issued in accordance with this subdivision in lieu of any other security deposit.
      (j) The qualified tenant's written agreement to make the periodic payments required by RSA 126-A:56.
   III. Review of applications and decisions on such applications shall be performed and made by a local housing security provider and completed within 5 business days of the submission of a completed application. When a local housing security provider approves an application, it shall notify the department of such approval.
   IV. Upon receipt of a notice of approval by a local housing security provider of an application, the department shall issue within 5 business days to the landlord a certificate of guarantee with a face value equal to the qualifying security deposit amount and issue to the qualified tenant a coupon book for periodic payments as required under RSA 126-A:56.
Source. 1995, 310:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.