There is hereby established a non-lapsing and continually appropriated homeless housing and access revolving loan fund. The fund shall be administered by the department of health and human services with advice and recommendations from the governor's interagency council on homelessness. To be eligible, an applicant shall have no permanent address and shall be residing temporarily in a shelter for the homeless, a hotel, a motel, the home of another household designed for occupancy by only one household, or entirely without shelter. Funds shall be used solely to provide loans for the first month of rent and security deposit for homeless individuals and families. Repayment terms of the loans shall be determined by the department in consultation with the interagency council and shall be based on need. Such repayments shall commence no later than 120 days after the loan is disbursed.
Source. 2007, 263:8, eff. July 1, 2007.