I. The commissioner may, as part of an investigation conducted under RSA 130-A:5, conduct an inspection of any leased or rented dwelling or dwelling unit during business hours, or at a time mutually agreed upon with the owner or the owner's agent, for the purposes of identifying the presence of lead base substances. The commissioner shall provide the findings of the inspection to the occupant and to the owner or the owner's agent. If the leased or rented dwelling has multiple units, and if a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist during an investigation conducted under RSA 130-A:5, the commissioner shall conduct inspections of all other dwelling units of the leased or rented dwelling with the owner or owner's agent for the purposes of identifying the presence of lead base substances. The commissioner shall provide the findings of the inspection to the occupant and the owner or the owner's agent. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist per RSA 130-A:1, XVI(a), (b), or (c), the commissioner shall issue an order in accordance with RSA 130-A:7 requiring lead hazard reduction to the owner and, if appropriate, to the owner's agent. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist per RSA 130-A:1, XVI(d), the commissioner may issue an order in accordance with RSA 130-A:7 requiring lead hazard reduction to the owner and, if appropriate, to the owner's agent. The commissioner shall provide a copy of the order to the owner or owner's agent and to the occupant of the dwelling unit. The commissioner shall notify all tenants of the dwelling of lead exposure hazard findings in common areas. Upon request, the owner or owner's agent shall provide a copy of the order to the occupants of any dwellings or dwelling units located within the same lot at no charge.
   II. The commissioner may, as part of an investigation conducted under RSA 130-A:5, if the lead-poisoned child spends 10 hours or more a week at the facility, and after making reasonable efforts to notify the owner of a child care facility and the license holder, conduct an inspection of a child care facility constructed prior to 1978, during business hours or at a time mutually agreed to, for the purposes of identifying the presence of lead base substances. The findings of the inspection shall be provided to the owner, to the license holder, and to the health authority. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist per RSA 130-A:1, XVI(a), (b), or (c), the commissioner shall issue an order in accordance with RSA 130-A:7 requiring lead hazard reduction to the owner and to the license holder. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist per RSA 130-A:1, XVI(d), the commissioner may issue an order in accordance with RSA 130-A:7 requiring lead hazard reduction to the owner and to the license holder. The commissioner shall provide a copy of the order to the owner and to the license holder and a notice of findings, to the state child care licensing unit, and to the health authority. The owner or license holder shall provide notice of the findings of lead hazard exposure, provided by the commissioner, to the parents or guardians of children who use the child care facility.
   III. The commissioner may, as part of an investigation conducted under RSA 130-A:5 and when the child reported under RSA 141-A resides in a dwelling or dwelling unit owned by the child's parents or guardians, conduct an inspection with the consent of the owner at a time convenient to the owner and provide to the owner the result of the inspection. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist, the commissioner shall provide a notice to the owner and shall also provide information on the health consequences of lead poisoning and procedures for lead hazard reduction.
   IV. The commissioner may, as part of an investigation carried out under RSA 130-A:5, conduct an inspection of structures other than the dwelling or dwelling unit of the child and child care facilities used by the child. The inspection shall be conducted with the consent of the owner, manager, or other person in charge of the facility or structure at a time convenient to the owner, manager or other person in charge. Such inspections shall be made only when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a lead exposure hazard may exist. The commissioner shall provide to the owner, manager or other person in charge the result of the inspection. When a lead exposure hazard is determined to exist, the commissioner shall provide to the owner, manager or other person in charge, the child's health care provider and the health authority a notice and shall also provide information on the health consequences of lead poisoning and procedures for lead hazard reduction.
   V. The commissioner, or designee, may conduct inspections during lead hazard reduction activity to assure that the activity is conducted in accordance with rules adopted under this chapter.
   VI. Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with rules adopted under RSA 130-A:10.
Source. 1993, 325:2. 1995, 213:4; 310:183. 1997, 165:5, 6, eff. Aug. 8, 1997. 2007, 293:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2008. 2009, 276:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2010.