For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and of other statutes the enforcement of which rests with the department of health and human services, said department may employ persons to be known as inspectors, sanitarians, sanitary engineers and other agents. The salaries of such employees shall be fixed within available appropriations and subject to the regulations of the state personnel commission; and such employees shall be paid their actual expenses legally incurred when engaged in the performance of their duties. All powers and duties imposed on inspectors by the provisions of this chapter may be imposed on sanitarians, sanitary engineers and other agents insofar as the department shall determine.
Source. 1909, 163:1. PL 136:1. 1941, 112:1. RL 161:1. 1950, 9:2. RSA 130:1. 1983, 291:1, I. 1995, 310:175, 181, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.