I. The commissioner shall have charge of the property and concerns of any facility owned by the state which provides, or which may be established to provide, care and treatment to persons who have mental illness or developmental disabilities, including those subject to the exception set forth in paragraph I-a, with regard to the care and maintenance of the grounds and buildings located at the facility in Concord, known as New Hampshire hospital. Such facilities include, but are not limited to, facilities established at Glencliff known as Glencliff home and Laconia, known as Laconia developmental services.
   I-a. The commissioner shall have charge of the interior maintenance and grounds of the acute psychiatric services building, the Anna Philbrook center, the Tobey School building, and all transitional buildings including the Howard recreation building, located on the campus of the New Hampshire hospital as described in RSA 4:39-a.
   II. The commissioner may enter into contracts relative to services to clients, management, and operation of the facilities as he or she deems appropriate, other than contracts regarding the care and maintenance of the grounds and buildings, or portions thereof, at the facility in Concord known as the New Hampshire hospital which have been assigned to the care of the department of administrative services, and may receive, appropriate, control, convey, hold in trust, or invest any funds or real or personal property given or devised to or owned by any facility in any manner as he or she deems expedient. The commissioner may determine the name of, the services to be provided at, and the clients, whether under RSA 135-C or RSA 171-A, to be served by any facility.
   III. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to eligibility criteria and procedures for admission to state facilities.
Source. 1986, 212:1. 1988, 107:5. 1995, 310:80, 183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995. 2005, 291:25, eff. July 25, 2005. 2007, 263:12, eff. July 1, 2007.