For hearings held under this chapter, the person sought to be admitted shall have the right to legal counsel, to present evidence on his or her own behalf, to have a closed hearing and a closed file unless he or she requests otherwise, and to cross-examine witnesses. He or she shall also have the right to summon as a witness the psychiatrist who filed the report pursuant to RSA 135-C:40 and to cross-examine him or her. A transcript, which may consist only of any audio recording of the proceedings, and at the court's discretion, shall be made of the entire proceeding. The transcript may serve as the basis for an appeal and the costs of the transcript shall be apportioned, within the judge's discretion, between the state and the person sought to be admitted. The transcript or recording shall be retained by the court for 2 years or until official notice is received of discharge, if the person is admitted on an involuntary basis and subsequently discharged.
Source. 1986, 212:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1987. 2009, 244:2, eff. Sept. 14, 2009.