I. Except as provided in this section, test results of samples submitted for laboratory analysis under RSA 141-F:6 shall not be disclosed to any person or agency except:
      (a) The physician ordering the test or the person authorized by the physician; and
      (b) The commissioner, in accordance with RSA 141-C:7.
   II. Test results shall be disclosed by the physician or the person authorized by the physician to the person who was tested. Such person shall be provided with appropriate counseling at the time of notification.
   III. If the person with a serologic positive test result is less than 18 years of age or is mentally incapable of understanding the ramifications of a positive test result, the physician or the person authorized by the physician may disclose the test results to a parent or legal guardian. In such cases, the parent or legal guardian shall be entitled to appropriate counseling.
   IV. If the person with a serologic positive test is confined to a facility pursuant to an order of a court, or committed to a mental health facility, the results of the tests shall be disclosed by the physician or the person authorized by the physician to the medical director or chief medical officer of such facility. The medical director or chief medical officer of the facility shall provide to the administrator in charge of the facility whatever medical data is necessary to properly assign, treat, or manage the affected individual. The administrator may disclose this information only to those individuals who require such information to properly assign, treat, or manage the affected individual.
Source. 1988, 262:2. 1995, 310:183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.