I. The board shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
      (a) Processing applications for compensation from the oil discharge and disposal cleanup fund.
      (b) Procedures for verifying claims presented under this chapter.
      (c) Specifying costs in relation to reimbursements claimed.
      (d) Developing eligibility criteria in addition to the requirements of RSA 146-D:6, I and I-a.
      (e) [Repealed.]
      (f) Waiver of penalties due or past due under RSA 146-D:3, III.
   II. The board shall submit an annual report of the status of the oil discharge and disposal cleanup fund no later than October 1, to the speaker of the house and the president of the senate. The first such report shall be submitted no later than October 1, 1993.
   III. The board, with approval of the governor and council, may employ legal counsel as necessary to perform its duties in administering the oil discharge and disposal cleanup fund.
   IV. The board may request that the attorney general issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, or request any other information on behalf of the board for the purposes of determining eligibility for reimbursement under this chapter, or under RSA 146-E and 146-F.
Source. 1988, 271:1. 1990, 141:1, 3, I; 252:21. 1991, 322:3. 1993, 40:6; 294:9. 1997, 39:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.