I. (a) There is hereby established a health services planning and review board composed of the following members:
         (1) The commissioner of the department of health and human services, or designee.
         (2) The remaining members, appointed by the governor and council:
            (A) A representative of health care insurers.
            (B) Four consumers, each from a different region of the state. For the purposes of this subparagraph ""consumer'' means an individual whose occupation is not in the delivery of health care services, who has no fiduciary obligation or financial interest in any health care facility or health care insurer licensed or regulated by this state, and who is not related in their immediate family to anyone who is involved in the delivery of health care services or health insurance.
            (C) Three providers whose occupation is in the delivery of health care services regulated by the board. One of these providers shall be nominated by the New Hampshire Hospital Association. The second provider shall be nominated by the New Hampshire Health Care Association. The third provider shall be nominated by the New Hampshire Ambulatory Surgery Association.
            (D) A representative of county government nominated by the New Hampshire Association of Counties.
      (b) The commissioner of the department of health and human services or designee shall serve as the only permanent member of the board. All other members of the board shall serve 3-year terms, provided that of the initial members, the representative of health care insurers and one consumer shall serve for one year, one consumer and one provider shall serve for 2 years and one consumer and one provider shall serve for 3 years. Members of the board shall not serve more than 2 full consecutive terms.
   II. No consumer member shall be appointed to or shall serve on this board who also serves on any board of any health care facility or health care insurer licensed or regulated by this state.
   III. A member of the board may resign upon written notice to the governor. The governor shall appoint a replacement to fulfill the unexpired term. A member of the board may be discharged pursuant to RSA 4:1.
   IV. The governor shall appoint a chairman of the board, who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor, from among its members.
   IV-a. The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall set the agenda for the board.
   V. Members of the board shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their duties under this chapter.
   VI. The board shall be administratively attached, pursuant to RSA 21-G:10, to the department of health and human services and shall exercise its powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities independently of the department, except as specifically provided by law. The board shall submit its budget requests and such reports required of it by law through the department of health and human services.
   VII. (a) The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall provide staff to support the work of the board and shall appoint, from among the staff, a person to serve as staff director who shall oversee the staff and act as liaison between the commissioner and the board. The staff director shall also testify at public hearings to defend staff analyses and recommendations to the board. The commissioner shall also provide space for the board and staff and other assistance and materials as necessary; provided, that all meetings of the board shall take place on government property owned or leased by the state of New Hampshire. Notwithstanding this paragraph or any other provision of law to the contrary, the staff members shall report to the board.
      (b) The staff director shall account to the commissioner of the department of health and human services for the administration of funds allocated under this chapter, for the conduct of the staff, and shall timely and appropriately execute his or her duties.
Source. 1985, 378:6. 1994, 345:2, 3. 1995, 310:175, 181-183. 1999, 330:1-3. 2003, 223:3, eff. July 1, 2003. 2008, 155:3, eff. June 6, 2008.