I. The department shall designate in its operating budget requests specific class lines for nursing facility, mid-level, and home-based care provided for in this chapter. These class lines shall reflect, and the requesting documentation shall include, the anticipated number of persons to receive services. The department shall not increase expenditures in approved budgets for these class lines or the number of persons to receive mid-level or home care services without the approval of the legislative fiscal committee, and the prior review of the county-state finance commission. The medicaid rates paid for nursing facility services, mid-level care services, and home and community-based care services shall not be reduced below those levels in effect on the last day of the previous biennium. No transfers may be made from the nursing facility medicaid quality incentive program and all funding derived from that program shall be paid to nursing facilities.
   II. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003, and each fiscal year thereafter the average annual cost for the provision of services to persons in the mid-level of care shall not exceed 60 percent of the average annual cost for the provision of services in a nursing facility. The average annual cost for the provision of services in home-based care shall not exceed 50 percent of the average annual cost for the provision of services to persons in a nursing facility. Average annual costs shall be the net medicaid costs exclusive of provider payments. No person whose costs would be in excess of 80 percent of the average annual cost for the provision of services to a person in a nursing facility shall be approved for home-based or mid-level services without the prior approval of the commissioner of health and human services. The department shall provide a report semi-annually on the utilization of non-nursing home services to the county-state finance commission and the legislative fiscal committee.
Source. 1998, 388:1. 2003, 223:5, eff. July 1, 2003; 319:35, eff. July 1, 2003. 2005, 175:13, eff. Aug. 29, 2005.