I. There is established a milk producers emergency relief fund in the office of the state treasurer. This fund shall be administered by the commissioner who shall deposit into the fund any appropriations made to the department from the general fund to be used consistent with the definitions and provisions of this subdivision, to reimburse New Hampshire producers of raw milk when the base price of milk falls below the target price. The fund shall be nonlapsing and shall be continually appropriated to the department. The treasurer may invest the proceeds of the fund as provided by law and any income earned on such investment shall be credited to the fund. In addition, the commissioner is authorized to accept public sector and private sector grants, gifts, or donations of any kind for the purpose of funding the provisions of this subdivision. The commissioner may employ legal counsel as deemed necessary.
   II. Beginning with the month of July in 2008, for each month that the base price is below the target price, each eligible participating milk producer in the state shall be eligible to receive an amount of money equal to the month's production in hundredweight multiplied by the difference between the target price and the base price for the month. The commissioner shall make payment from the fund on a quarterly basis after all information necessary to compute payment amounts is available for the applicable prior 3-month period.
   III. In the event there is an insufficient balance in the fund to make full payment to all producers, the commissioner shall prorate payments to each producer to the extent funds are available. Any amount not paid to a producer shall be carried forward and later paid should sufficient funds become available.
   IV. The commissioner shall continue to ensure compliance with agreements previously signed by milk producers under the provisions of RSA 184-B:2, V until August 1, 2009 or such later date that he or she deems advisable. If a milk producer does not comply with an agreement singed under the provisions of RSA 184-B:2, V he or she shall reimburse moneys received under this chapter to the commissioner. Such moneys shall be deposited into the general fund.
Source. 2007, 381:1, eff. July 1, 2007. 2008, 74:2, eff. July 1, 2008.