No person, by himself or his agents or servants, shall render or manufacture, sell, offer for sale, expose for sale or have in his possession with intent to sell, any article, product or compound made wholly or partly out of any fat, oil, oleaginous substance, or compound thereof, not produced from unadulterated milk or cream from the same, which shall be in imitation of yellow butter produced from pure, unadulterated milk or cream of the same, or in imitation of cheese produced from unadulterated milk or cream of the same, unless the same is contained in tubs, firkins, boxes or other packages, each of which has upon it, to indicate the character of its contents, the words ""Adulterated Butter'', ""Oleomargarine'', or ""Imitation Cheese'', as the case may be, in plain Roman letters not less than 1/2 inch high, and so made, placed or attached that they can readily be seen and read, and cannot be easily defaced; and, if the substance or compound is a substitute for cheese, unless the cloth surrounding it has a like inscription. Nothing herein provided shall be construed to prohibit the manufacture or sale of colored oleomargarine which bears the labeling required by the United States commissioner of internal revenue.
Source. 1881, 57:1, 2. 1885, 68:1. PS 127:19. 1895, 115:1. PL 163:42. RL 194:44. 1949, 222:2, eff. June 1, 1949.