I. The director shall:
      (a) Ensure that forest management on reservations:
         (1) Gives due consideration to the conservation of all resources and benefits.
         (2) Considers the context of these reservations in the surrounding landscape.
         (3) Is guided by principles of sustained yield.
      (b) Coordinate forest management on reservations with other interested state and federal agencies.
      (c) Allow for public involvement in forest management planning for reservations.
         (1) Raise seedling trees at a state forest nursery and, on terms approved by the commissioner, sell the trees to persons who desire to plant them. The director may, with like approval, distribute them for educational purposes free of charge to counties, municipalities, and public institutions owning land which is suitable for reforestation, or which would benefit from tree cover and may arrange for and supervise the planting of such land and any other land suitable for planting owned or acquired by the state.
         (2) In the case of land owned by counties or municipalities, they shall pay the cost of planting the trees furnished by the state, shall protect and care for them as recommended by the director, and, when required, shall furnish the director with information as to the trees' condition and growth.
   II. The director may:
      (a) Enter into agreement with persons or institutions to grow seedling trees to be sold as described in paragraph I, if the commissioner deems it expedient so to do.
      (b) Take means for the protection of reservations from forest fire, forest pests, and any other damaging agents, and, as far as compatible with the wishes of a donor of land to the state, plant and remove trees and otherwise improve the forest conditions.
Source. 1995, 299:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.