I. The expenses lawfully incurred by a forest fire warden or other authorized local fire official in the extinguishment of woodland fires on the White Mountain National Forest or other federal land within the state under a cooperative forest fire protection agreement with the state computed at rates within limits established by the director and excluding the initial costs of firefighting equipment shall be paid in the first instance by the state.
   II. The forest fire warden or other authorized local fire official shall render to the director a statement of expenses incurred in extinguishing woodland fires on the federal lands described in paragraph I, showing in detail the amount and character of the services performed including names, addresses, hours worked, dates, and recommended compensation for persons authorized for fire duty by the fire warden or other authorized local fire official, costs of food and other supplies, operating and repair expenses of motorized equipment, reimbursement costs for lost and damaged pumps, hose, tools, and other fire equipment and such other costs as may be actually incurred on such fire.
   III. The director shall review such bills and, upon approval, shall forward them for payment to the state treasurer. The governor shall draw a warrant on the state treasury from money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the payment of such bills. Upon such payment, the director shall prepare and submit to the receiving federal agency appropriate vouchers for reimbursement to the state treasury of such costs paid by the state treasurer under this section.
   IV. The director shall also prepare and submit to the receiving federal agency appropriate vouchers for reimbursement of salary and expenses of permanent and temporary employees who remain on the state payroll while on authorized duty on federal lands within the state under a cooperative forest fire protection agreement with the state, the actual cost of food and other supplies, operating and repair costs of motorized equipment, reimbursement for lost or damaged pumps, hose, tools, and other fire equipment and such other costs as actually may be incurred by the state on such cooperative fire assignment.
Source. 1995, 299:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.