I. When, in the opinion of the director, the expenses of fighting woodland fires in municipalities, and other expenses lawfully incurred by wardens and deputy wardens of municipalities in preventing forest fires, shall exceed an amount equal to 1/4 of one percent of the latest equalized locally assessed valuation on such municipality, the state may pay such bills in the first instance.
   II. The town forest fire warden shall submit all bills for payment to the director, certifying on the bills that the bills were lawfully incurred and a proper charge.
   III. Upon receipt by the director of the bills, the director shall approve the bills and forward them for payment to the state treasurer. The governor shall draw a warrant on the state treasury from money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the payment of the bills.
   IV. The director shall thereafter bill the responsible municipality for its proportionate share of fire expenses together with any amounts found by the director to be in excess of the rates established by the commissioner and the director as provided in RSA 227-L:22, I. Upon receipt of the bill the municipality shall reimburse the state for the amount specified.
Source. 1995, 299:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.