I. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 4:29 or any other law to the contrary, if Laconia developmental services is relocated, or this overall property becomes available for disposal and a state park is not developed pursuant to RSA 216-H:2, the 200 acres more or less and the approximately 3,500 feet of shoreline on Lake Winnisquam shall be retained and preserved on a permanent basis by the state in its natural botanical and geological state.
   II. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit Laconia developmental services from utilizing the 200 acres and the approximately 3,500 feet of shoreline for purposes of the school's rehabilitation program; provided, however, the 200 acres and shoreline shall not be developed or used by any other agency of the state or commercial interest for any other purpose.
Source. 1987, 102:1. 1988, 107:5, eff. June 17, 1988.