The division of historical resources shall have the following functions, including, but not limited to:
   I. Undertaking a statewide survey to identify and document historic properties, including all those owned by the state, its agencies and political subdivisions.
   II. Preparing the state's historic preservation plan with the assistance of the office of energy and planning, reviewing that plan annually, and revising it accordingly.
   III. Providing information on historic properties within the state to the agencies of the federal, state, regional and local governments and, when appropriate, to private individuals and organizations.
   IV. Accepting moneys for historic preservation from public and private sources in the name of the state and utilizing these as conditioned by the appropriation, award, grant or donation, or, if the moneys are unencumbered, supplementing other funding to implement the annual state historic preservation plan.
   V. Cooperating with federal, state, regional and local government agencies in the planning and conduct of specific undertakings affecting historic properties and preservation objectives and in overall land use planning.
   VI. Coordinating the activities of regional and local government agencies in accordance with the state plan and programs for historic preservation.
   VII. Providing technical and financial assistance to regional and local government agencies and private individuals and organizations involved in historic preservation activities.
   VIII. Stimulating public interest in historic preservation in cooperation with other state, regional and local agencies and with other private individuals and organizations.
   IX. Developing an ongoing program of historical, architectural and archeological research and development to include continuing surveys, excavation, scientific recording, interpretation and publication of the state's historical, architectural, archeological and cultural resources. A reasonable charge may be made for publications.
   X. Considering proposals to erect highway historical markers under RSA 236:41. No such marker shall be put in place without division approval. The division may make cooperative agreements with towns and historical organizations to place historic markers under RSA 236:44.
   XI. Providing technical review and comment relative to the commissioner's powers and duties in the preservation of state historic resources under RSA 227-C:6-8.
   XII. Cooperating with the state historian appointed under RSA 17-I:3.
   XIII. Cooperating with the state archivist appointed under RSA 8-B:4.
   XIV. Cooperating with and aiding municipalities in the establishment, layout and definition of historic districts under RSA 674:45-50.
   XV. Cooperating with and assisting state and local historical societies in their historic preservation activities.
   XVI. Cooperating with the director, division of parks and recreation, in the administration of state public areas which are historic sites under RSA 218:5-a, I(a) and RSA 218:5-a, II(a).
   XVII. The archaeological discovery, investigation, analysis, and disposition of human remains.
   XVIII. Accepting gifts of objects of historic significance, either directly or pursuant to RSA 4:8-a, cataloguing such gifts, and including such gifts in the descriptive inventory and photographic reproduction collections required by RSA 5:30, X. Accepted gifts shall be formally recognized by the governor under RSA 4:8 or by the governor and council under RSA 4:8-a.
   XIX. Placing objects of historic significance at locations most appropriate to their conservation and interpretive needs, pursuant to RSA 4:9.
   XX. Advising legislative committees and executive departments on the conservation needs of state-owned objects of historic significance.
   XXI. Administering the state heritage landmark designation review process established under RSA 227-C:24-26.
Source. 1974, 32:1. 1981, 504:3. 1983, 422:6. 1985, 345:3. 1986, 80:5. 1988, 201:3. 1993, 101:1, eff. July 1, 1993. 2003, 319:9, eff. July 1, 2003. 2004, 257:44, eff. July 1, 2004.