I. There shall be a board advisory to the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food which shall consist of the following 15 members:
      (a) Ten members, one from each county, actively engaged in agriculture.
      (b) One member who shall represent the petroleum industry.
      (c) One member who shall represent the food distribution industry.
      (d) One member who shall represent the food retailing industry.
      (e) One member who shall represent consumer interests.
      (f) One member who shall represent the advertising industry.
   II. The term of office of members of the board shall be 5 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. However, beginning July 1, 2001, the terms of 2 members representing agriculture as provided in subparagraph I(a) and one member representing the industry interests as provided in subparagraphs I(b)--(f) shall expire each year. Initial terms for members representing agriculture shall expire in the year as follows: Belknap and Sullivan counties, 2002; Carroll and Strafford counties, 2003; Cheshire and Rockingham counties, 2004; Coos and Merrimack counties, 2005; and Grafton and Hillsborough counties, 2006. Initial terms for members representing industry interests shall expire in the year as follows: petroleum, 2002; food retailing, 2003; advertising, 2004; food distribution, 2005; and consumer, 2006. No board member shall be eligible for successive reappointment after 2004. Appointments to the board shall be made by the governor with the advice and consent of the council on the basis of extensive experience and demonstrated ability and on a nonpartisan basis.
   III. The governor shall annually designate a chairperson from among the membership. No member shall serve as chairperson more than 3 years.
   IV. Members of the board shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to receive mileage and expenses when in performance of the duties required under this subdivision.
   V. A member who has 2 unexcused absences from meetings of the board shall be automatically dropped from the board, and a new member shall be appointed before the next meeting.
Source. 1985, 72:1. 1995, 130:3. 2000, 72:1, eff. June 20, 2000.