I. The district board or committee shall constitute a public body representative with perpetual succession and responsibilities in its name to:
      (a) Recommend lines of procedure, contracts, detailed abatement programs and related fiscal measures.
      (b) Recommend the acquisition by purchase, gift, grant, bequest, devise or through condemnation proceedings in the manner provided in RSA 31:92 of such lands or rights of way as are necessary for the exercise of the authorized functions of the district.
      (c) Recommend the employment of a district superintendent who is an engineer, entomologist, or otherwise qualified as an arthropod control specialist, and other personnel required in performance of the authorized functions of the district. The district superintendent may be employed entirely by a district or in cooperation with any other district or districts.
      (d) Recommend the borrowing of any money in anticipation of revenue receipts to meet the current expenses of the district. Such current borrowing shall not exceed 75 percent of the unrealized and unencumbered revenue estimated in the budget to be derived from the tax levy for the then current fiscal year.
      (e) Recommend arthropod control measures in cooperation or by contract with individuals, firms, corporations, and federal, state, and local government agencies.
      (f) Recommend the holding, leasing, and conveying of real estate and personal property deemed necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of the mosquito control law.
      (g) Recommend a proposed budget necessary to carry out the mosquito control abatement procedures during the ensuing mosquito abatement season.
      (h)(1) Present to the state committee and the local governing body in the last 90 days of each calendar year a recommended plan of procedure and operation for the ensuing abatement year. Districts acting alone or in concert with other districts may include in their plan of procedure and operation any or all recommendations made by a qualified entomologist acceptable to the state committee.
         (2) Present to the local governing body each year any plan of procedure and operation embodying any recommendations specifically mentioned in this section for further presentation to the people of the district at the annual town meeting or general election, as prescribed by law, for legal action and sanction, including with this plan of procedure and operation a report on the district's operation during the last abatement season.
         (3) Supervise the measures necessary and proper for the control of all species of mosquitos and other arthropods of public health and welfare importance within the district, and represent the district when acting in concert with other districts.
   II. It is the responsibility of the state committee to advise each district, or group of districts within a region, in the last 90 days of each calendar year as to the best and most effective measures to be used in bringing about permanent elimination of breeding conditions. The state committee may use any part or all of the district committee's plan in preparation of this advisement. Committee approval shall be required prior to participation by a district in contract or program agreements involving state or federal funds.
Source. 1985, 72:1, eff. July 1, 1985.