I. The commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets, and food shall establish an integrated pest management program. ""Integrated pest management'' means a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining the use of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tactics in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. The purpose of the program shall be to bring about the broadest possible application of the principles of integrated pest management to agriculture, horticulture, arborculture, landscape and building maintenance, and any other areas in which economic poisons are employed. To this end, the commissioner shall work cooperatively with the university of New Hampshire agricultural experiment station, cooperative extension, and college of life sciences and agriculture; other educational institutions with competence in relevant disciplines; commodity and trade organizations; conservation groups; other governmental agencies; and private sector individuals and corporations. Wherever possible, such research, education, and evaluation endeavors shall be conducted cooperatively by 2 or more supporting entities.
   II. There is established a nonlapsing fund to be known as the integrated pest management fund. Ten percent of the pesticide registration fees collected under RSA 430:38, III shall be deposited in the fund. The fund shall only be used to support the purposes of the integrated pest management program. The state treasurer may invest moneys in the fund as provided by law and all interest received on such investment shall be credited to the fund. The commissioner shall be authorized to accept grants, gifts, and donations from any public or private sources for deposit in the fund.
   III. The commissioner shall report by October 1 of each year to the house environment and agriculture committee and the senate environment committee concerning the use of the fund, the work accomplished, and the effectiveness of efforts to broaden application of integrated pest management principles throughout the state.
Source. 1998, 323:1, eff. July 1, 1999.