It shall be unlawful for any person to:
   I. Distribute an unregistered horticultural growing medium, unless exempted from the registration requirements of this chapter.
   II. Distribute a horticultural growing medium if the label on such medium does not reflect its composition.
   III. Fail to supply the commissioner with analyses of horticultural growing media when requested by the commissioner or a person authorized by the commissioner under this chapter to make such requests.
   IV. Distribute an adulterated horticultural growing medium. Such medium shall be deemed to be adulterated if:
      (a) It contains any deleterious or harmful ingredient in sufficient amount to render it injurious to beneficial plant, animal, human, or aquatic life or to soil or water when applied in accordance with directions for use on the label, or if adequate warning statements or directions for use which may be necessary to protect plant, animal, human, or aquatic life or soil or water are not shown upon the label.
      (b) Its composition falls below or differs significantly from that which it is purported to possess by its labeling.
      (c) It contains viable weed seed exceeding the amounts specified in RSA 433:4, I(d)-(e).
   V. Fail to cease distribution of any horticultural growing medium for which the commissioner has issued a stop sale order.
   VI. Obstruct the commissioner in the performance of the commissioner's duties under this chapter.
Source. 1997, 141:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.