I. There shall be an advisory board consisting of 7 members. Six of the board members shall be producers and shall be appointed to the advisory board by the commissioner from nominations submitted to him by a nominating committee made up of 5 producers who are appointed by the New Hampshire Fruit Growers Association. One member, who shall represent the general public, shall be a person who is neither a distributor nor handler of apples. The member representing the general public shall be appointed by the governor and council.
   II. Each board member shall serve for a term of 5 years. However, on the initial appointment 2 members shall be appointed for a 3-year term; 2 members shall be appointed for a 4-year term; and 2 members shall be appointed for a 5-year term by the commissioner. The public member shall be appointed for a 5-year term. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled in a like manner for the unexpired term. Board members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
   III. Advisory board members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in connection with their official duties. Said expenses shall be a charge on the apple marketing account.
   IV. The duties and responsibilities of the advisory board shall be as follows:
      (a) To recommend to the commissioner any rules relating to the marketing order.
      (b) To recommend to the commissioner any amendments to the marketing order which are deemed to be advisable by the board.
      (c) To prepare and submit to the commissioner an estimated budget that may be required for the proper operation of the marketing order.
      (d) To recommend to the commissioner methods of assessing members of the apple industry and methods for collecting the assessed funds.
      (e) To assist the commissioner in the collection and processing of information and data necessary for the proper administration of a marketing order.
      (f) To advise the commissioner on the fines to be imposed as penalties for any violation of a marketing agreement or marketing order.
      (g) To perform such other duties in connection with the marketing order as the commissioner shall designate.
Source. 1985, 72:1, eff. July 1, 1985.