I. Goats shall be officially identified upon change of ownership for all animals that are not in slaughter channels. To be considered as being in a slaughter channel, the goat shall be scheduled for a slaughter date which is not more than 2 weeks from the date of transfer of ownership.
   II. Sheep less than 18 months of age shall be officially identified upon change of ownership for all animals that are not in slaughter channels. To be considered as being in a slaughter channel, the sheep shall be scheduled for a slaughter date which is not more than 2 weeks from the date of transfer of ownership.
   III. Sheep 18 months of age or older shall be officially identified upon change of ownership for all animals regardless of whether or not they are being sold into slaughter channels. Official identification is required for all sheep over 18 months of age as evidenced by the eruption of the second incisor such that the animal may be traced to its flock of birth.
   IV. The state veterinarian may adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A to clarify terms and to implement the requirements in this section, to add exemptions from specific provisions of this section, or to comply with requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Source. 2006, 15:1, eff. May 22, 2006.