Where a mortgage is foreclosed under a statutory power of sale, the mortgagee may give a deed to the purchaser, whether the purchaser be a stranger or the mortgagee, in the following form:
   __________ of __________ County, __________ State of __________, holder of a mortgage from __________ to __________ dated __________, recorded in __________ Registry of Deeds, Vol. ___, page ___, by the power conferred by said mortgage and every other power, for ___ dollars paid, grant to __________, (complete mailing address) __________, of __________ Street, Town (City) of __________, __________ County, State of __________, the premises conveyed by said mortgage.
(Here add acknowledgment)
Source. 1951, 178:9. RSA 477:31. 1965, 125:6. 1977, 366:10. 1981, 303:8, eff. Aug. 15, 1981. 2006, 7:3, eff. April 11, 2006.