I. In any purchase and sale agreement, lease agreement, or rental agreement before signing an agreement to sell, transfer, lease, or rent real property for the time period after any conduct prohibited under RSA 318-D has occurred on such property and prior to the determination by the department of environmental services, pursuant to paragraph II, that the property meets remediation cleanup standards:
      (a) The seller, transferor, lessor, or owner shall disclose in writing to the buyer, transferee, lessee, or occupant if, to the seller's, transferor's, lessor's or owner's knowledge, methamphetamine production has occurred on the property.
      (b) If methamphetamine production has occurred on the property, the disclosure shall include a statement to the buyer, transferee, lessee, or occupant informing the buyer, transferee, lessee, or occupant.
   II. The department of environmental services or any licensed environmental or hazardous substances removal specialist shall be responsible for determining that any property on which methamphetamine production has occurred, meets remediation cleanup standards established pursuant to rules adopted by the department under RSA 541-A. Prior to the establishment of rules, the determination shall be based on the best scientific methods available. The determination that the property meets remediation cleanup standards shall be public information available upon request from the department.
Source. 2006, 241:4, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.