In this chapter:
   I. ""Foreclosure consultant'' means any person, or any person acting in concert with such person, or any agent or employee of such person who provides a foreclosure consulting service.
   II. ""Foreclosure consulting contract'' means a written, oral, or constructive agreement between a foreclosure consultant and a homeowner for the provision of any foreclosure consulting service or pre-foreclosure conveyance.
   III. ""Foreclosure consulting service'' means:
      (a) An effort undertaken on behalf of or for the benefit of a homeowner to delay or prevent the loss of a home because of a mortgage default, delinquency, foreclosure, or execution of a tax deed.
      (b) Receiving money for the purpose of distributing it to creditors in payment or partial payment of any obligation secured by a lien on a residence in foreclosure;
      (c) Contacting mortgagees or other creditors secured by a homeowner's primary residence on behalf of the homeowner;
      (d) Arranging or attempting to arrange for an extension of the period within which a homeowner may cure the homeowner's default and reinstate the homeowner's obligation;
      (e) Arranging or attempting to arrange for any delay or postponement of the sale of a residence in foreclosure;
      (f) Arranging or facilitating the purchase of a homeowner's legal or equitable title or any property interest in a homeowner's residence within 30 days of:
         (1) The publication or letter of notice of a foreclosure sale; or
         (2) The letter notice of a municipality's intent to execute a tax deed.
      (g) Arranging or facilitating any transaction through which a homeowner will become a lessee, optionee, life tenant, partial homeowner, or vested or contingent remainderman of the homeowner's residence;
      (h) Arranging or facilitating the sale of a homeowner's residence or transfer of legal title and any property interest in a homeowner's residence, in any form, to another party as an alternative to foreclosure;
      (i) Arranging for a homeowner to have an option to repurchase the homeowner's residence after a sale or transfer; or
      (j) Arranging for or facilitating a homeowner remaining in the homeowner's residence as a tenant, renter, or lessee.
   IV. ""Pre-foreclosure purchaser'' means any person or any person acting in concert with such person, who acquires title or possession of a deed or other interest in a residence in foreclosure as a result of a pre-foreclosure conveyance, or any person who participates in a joint venture or joint enterprise involving a pre-foreclosure conveyance.
   V. ""Pre-foreclosure conveyance'' means a transaction involving:
      (a) The transfer of title to real property or a beneficial interest in the property by a homeowner to delay or prevent a mortgage default or delinquency, foreclosure, or execution of a tax deed, either by transfer of any interest from the homeowner to another party or by creation of a mortgage, trust, or other lien or encumbrance during the foreclosure process, that allows the acquirer to obtain legal or equitable title to all or part of the property; and
      (b)(1) The transaction includes the subsequent conveyance, the promise of a subsequent conveyance, or a right to a subsequent conveyance of an interest back to the homeowner from the acquirer or a person acting in participation with the acquirer, including an interest in a contract for deed, purchase agreement, land installment sale, contract for sale, option to purchase, sale/leaseback, trust, or other contractual arrangement; or
         (2) The transaction does not pay or otherwise fully satisfy the homeowner's obligations under any existing note and mortgage securing such note.
   VI. ""Homeowner'' means any owner or co-owner of a residence who is facing the loss of a home due to default, acceleration, or foreclosure of a deed of trust, mortgage, lien, or similar instrument or due to the notice, auction, or execution of a tax deed.
   VII. ""Person'' means an individual, corporation, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trustee for a trust, partnership, association, limited liability company, joint venture, government, or any other legal or commercial entity or agent.
   VIII. ""Residence in foreclosure'' means residential real property consisting of not more than 4 dwelling units, one of which the owner occupies as his or her principal place of residence, where a loan secured by the home is in default, or where real property taxes are delinquent.
   IX. ""Settlement'' means an in-person meeting with the homeowner to complete final documents incident to the sale or transfer of real property, or the creation of a mortgage or equitable interest in real property, conducted by a settlement agent who is not employed by or an affiliate of the pre-foreclosure purchaser.
   X. ""Execution of tax deed'' means the procedures by which residential property is executed to a tax lienholder under RSA 80:76 or executed to a tax sale purchaser under RSA 80:38.
Source. 2007, 322:1, eff. July 16, 2007.