The state board of education shall, in addition to the duties assigned by RSA 21-N:11:
   I. [Repealed.]
   II. Supervision. Supervise the expenditure of all moneys appropriated for public schools, and inspect all institutions in which or by which such moneys are used.
   III. Budget: Information. Prepare a budget for such expenditures, give to the public information as to the educational conditions in different parts of the state and the opportunities open to pupils in the public schools, and all such further information in respect to educational matters as will promote the cause of education. For this purpose it may employ lecturers and publish and distribute books and pamphlets on education and educational subjects.
   IV, V. [Repealed.]
   VI. School Registers. Prescribe the form of the register to be kept concerning the schools, the form of blanks and inquiries for the returns to be made by the school boards, and seasonably send the same to the clerks of the several cities and towns for the use of the school boards therein.
   VII. Public Documents. Keep on file in its office and distribute all state documents in relation to public schools and education.
   VIII. District Returns. Preserve in accessible form the returns of school boards and of all other officers required to make returns to the board.
   IX. Instruction as to Child Abuse Prevention, Youth Suicide Prevention, Intoxicants, Drugs, HIV/AIDS, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
      (a) Direct the department to develop curriculum frameworks in health, physiology, and hygiene as they relate to the effects of alcohol and other drugs, child abuse, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and sexually transmitted diseases on the human system, and which are designed to help students lead longer, healthier lives.
      (b) Provide information about HIV/AIDS to all public and private schools to facilitate the delivery of appropriate courses and programs.
      (c) Review HIV/AIDS curriculum materials to assure relevancy in assisting students to become health-literate citizens and lead longer, healthier lives.
      (d) Provide information about youth suicide prevention to all public and private schools to facilitate the delivery of appropriate courses and programs.
      (e) Submit a report no later than December 1, 2010, and biennially thereafter, prepared in conjunction with the commissioner of the department of education, to the chairpersons of the house and senate education committees, the house health, human services and elderly affairs committee, and the senate health and human services committee, detailing the state's efforts in fulfilling the policies relating to health education in kindergarten through grade 12 as set forth in subparagraphs (a)-(d).
   IX-a. [Repealed.]
   IX-b. Health and Sex Education. Require school districts to adopt a policy allowing an exception to a particular unit of health or sex education instruction based on religious objections. Such policy shall include a provision for alternative learning sufficient to enable the child to meet state requirements for health education.
   X. Adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
      (a) Certification of teachers, supervisors, and administrators in the public schools. The state board shall also examine the qualifications of candidates for those positions and issue certificates to those who meet the requirements of said rules.
      (b) Fees to be paid to the commissioner of education for the administration of proficiency exams and other competence evaluations and other related fees including, but not limited to, fees for late filing and duplicate credentials, and for the issuance of educational credentials. These fees must bear a reasonable relationship to the actual costs related to such activities. Funds collected from these fees shall be expended only for purposes of fulfilling the requirements of this paragraph. No portion of the funds collected from these fees shall lapse, nor be used for any other purpose than fulfilling the requirements of this paragraph, nor be transferred to any other appropriation.
      (c) Approval of professional preparation programs.
      (d) Procedures for the electronic certification of educational credentials.
   XI. [Repealed.]
   XII. Vocational Education. Cooperate with the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of carrying the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act of 1984 and its successor acts into effect insofar as that act relates to this state.
   XIII. Education for Persons with Disabilities. Prepare, develop and administer plans to provide educational facilities for persons with disabilities.
   XIV. Lectures. Lecture on educational subjects in as many cities and towns in this state as the time occupied by the commissioner's other duties will permit.
   XV. Truant Officers. Report frequently to the chairman of the several school boards the relative efficiency of the several truant officers in the state.
   XVI. [Repealed.]
   XVII. District Contracts. Examine contracts made by districts with academies, high schools and other literary institutions, for the purpose of deciding whether they are calculated to promote the cause of education.
   XVIII. School Attendance. Enforce the laws relative to school attendance and the employment of minors; and for this purpose the board and its deputies are vested with the power given by law to truant officers.
   XIX. School Laws. Compile and issue, at the close of each session of the legislature, an edition of the school laws.
   XX-XXIV. [Repealed.]
   XXV. Assistants. Employ as many supervisors, inspectors, stenographers, accountants, clerks and agents as may be necessary to enable it to perform the duties imposed on it by law.
   XXVI. Conferences. Hold conferences from time to time with superintendents, other school administrative unit personnel, principals, and teachers, or their representatives, for the purpose of inspiring mutual cooperation in the carrying on of their work and of unifying educational aims and practices.
   XXVII. Programs. Prepare, publish and distribute such school programs, outlines of work and courses of study as will best promote education interests of the state.
   XXVIII. Health. Have authority to employ a competent person or persons to examine and care for the health of pupils, subject to the provisions of RSA 200.
   XXIX. Adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to reasonable criteria for approving non-public schools for the purpose of compulsory attendance requirements. The rules may contain criteria for conditional approval as specified by the state board. The state board of education may, upon request, designate which schools meet those criteria, and may, upon the request of a non-public school, approve or disapprove its education program and curriculum.
   XXIX-a. Adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to establishing a process for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints from parents or legal guardians concerning school safety and school violence in nonpublic schools.
   XXX. [Repealed.]
   XXXI. Driver Education. Establish jointly with the department of safety, teacher qualifications, course content and standards, in connection with the driver education program conducted in secondary schools in this state; and adopt such rules as may be necessary to carry out the program and supervise the driver education program in the secondary schools of the state. Driver education instructors shall not be required to be certified as secondary school teachers. Although authority is shared by the departments of safety and education, those regulations, directions and procedures that have a direct or indirect relationship to a life or safety issue shall rest with the department of safety as the final and ultimate authority.
   XXXII. Learning Disability Teacher. Establish the qualifications, conditions and exceptions for providing a learning disability teacher in each school district.
   XXXIII. Discrimination. Insure that there shall be no unlawful discrimination in any public school against any person on the basis of sex, race, creed, color, marital status or national origin in educational programs, and that there shall be no denial to any person on the basis of sex, race, creed, color, marital status or national origin of the benefits of educational programs or activities.
   XXXIV. Missing Child Education Program. Administer the missing child education program as established in RSA 193:31.
   XXXV. Certification Standards for the Credential of Master Teacher. Adopt rules creating the educational credential of master teacher based on the provisions of RSA 189:14-f.
   XXXVI. Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention. Develop and distribute to school districts a technical assistance advisory for the purpose of providing guidance to school districts on the implementation of pupil safety and violence prevention policies as required under RSA 193-F.
Source. 1919, 106:9. 1921, 85, I:8. PL 116:11. 1929, 145:3. 1939, 8:1. RL 134:11. 1953, 243:1-4. RSA 186:11. 1957, 252:1, 2. 1961, 196:1-3. 1963, 117:2; 147:1; 303:7; 305:1-3. 1965, 199:1; 339:4. 1967, 448:1. 1969, 69:1-3. 1971, 371:4, 5; 443:4. 1973, 140:15; 209:2; 242:1. 1974, 28:1. 1975, 23:1; 207:1; 505:6. 1977, 432:1; 452:6. 1979, 53:1; 459:4, 9, 10. 1981, 318:1. 1985, 318:4. 1986, 41:8-10, 29, II. 1987, 161:1. 1988, 262:7. 1989, 266:37. 1990, 28:1; 140:2, III. 1992, 123:1. 1993, 322:9, I, II. 1996, 298:5, I. 1998, 174:4, 5; 314:3; 389:8, 9. 1999, 157:1. 2000, 190:2. 2003, 39:1; 186:2. 2005, 92:1, eff. Aug. 6, 2005. 2008, 251:1, 4, 5, eff. Aug. 23, 2008. 2009, 105:1, eff. June 15, 2009; 280:1, eff. Sept. 27, 2009.