I. There is hereby established a professional standards board to advise the state board of education regarding professional growth, certification and governance of the education profession in this state. The board shall consist of the following 21 members:
      (a) The director of the division of program support, or designee, who shall be the executive secretary of the board;
      (b) 9 members representing classroom teachers or education specialists, or both;
      (c) 9 members representing higher education and education administration; and
      (d) 2 members representing qualified lay persons.
   II. The state board of education shall appoint the 20 members of the board specified in paragraph I(b), (c) and (d) from nominations submitted by the education profession and interested persons.
   III. The appointed members of the board shall serve for 3-year terms and may not serve for more than 2 full terms.
   IV. The appointed members of the board shall serve without compensation and shall be entitled to reimbursement by the state board of education for mileage and expenses incurred in performing required duties. The state board of education shall furnish the board with materials, secretarial assistance and meeting facilities.
   V. The members of the board shall annually elect a chairman from among their membership. The chairman shall present budget requests to the state board of education.
   VI. The board shall have the following powers and duties:
      (a) The board shall recommend policies to the state board of education including, but not limited to, pre-service education, continuing education, professional growth, initial certification, recertification, para-professional training and certification, revocation of credentials, performance evaluation and staffing patterns. In making policy recommendations on the certification process, the board shall consider complaints it receives from persons who feel aggrieved by the process.
      (b) The board shall meet at least 5 times annually.
      (c) The board shall annually submit 2 reports to the state board of education concerning its activities and containing policy recommendations.
      (d) The board shall maintain records and minutes of its meetings and shall file them in the office of teacher education and professional standards.
Source. 1975, 122:1. 1986, 41:12. 1994, 379:4, eff. June 9, 1994.