I. The granite state scholar designation shall be made for any New Hampshire resident who graduates in the top 10 percent of his or her class from an accredited New Hampshire high school, and who receives a combined score of 1200 or more on the Scholastic Aptitude Test I, or the equivalent score on the ACT Assessment examination. The granite state scholar designation shall be determined using class rank and standardized test scores taken no later than January 31 of the student's senior year in high school.
   II. The state board of education shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to establishing the granite state scholar designation in high schools that do not calculate class rank, in non-accredited high schools, and for home schooled students.
   III. Granite state scholars shall receive special recognition from the governor and shall be eligible for grants from the endowment fund established in this subdivision.
Source. 2000, 70:2, eff. July 1, 1999.