The school board of any school district may provide the following child benefit services for pupils in each public and nonpublic school in the district or in another school district in this state:
   I. School physician services under the provisions of RSA 200:26-41.
   II. School nurse services.
   III. School health services.
   IV. School guidance and psychologist services.
   V. Educational testing services.
   VI. Transportation under the provisions of RSA 189:9.
   VII. Textbooks and instructional materials.
   VIII. Health and welfare services equivalent to those provided by public schools including speech correction and remedial and diagnostic services.
   IX. Driver education.
   X. Educational television services.
   XI. Programs for the deaf, blind, emotionally disturbed, children with disabilities; audio-visual aids; and programs for the improvement of the educational studies of pupils with disabilities.
   XII. Physical education.
   XIII. Hot lunch program.
   In the event that a court rules invalid one or more of the above services the other services shall not be deemed void but shall continue in effect.
Source. 1970, 51:1. 1971, 499:4; 566:1. 1973, 501:1. 1990, 140:4, eff. June 18, 1990.