The state board of education, in consultation with the New Hampshire Police Chiefs' Association, shall adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to:
   I. Developing a procedure by which to mark drug-free zones, including the use of signs or other markings as appropriate. Such signs or other markings shall:
      (a) Be posted in a prominent place:
         (1) On or near each school;
         (2) In each school bus; and
         (3) On or near non-school-owned property serving as a temporary drug-free zone by virtue of its use for the school's instructional program, for the duration of such use;
      (b) Indicate that the posted area is a drug-free zone which extends to 1,000 feet surrounding such property; and
      (c) Warn that violation of this chapter shall subject the offender to severe penalties under the law.
   II. Assisting each school administrative unit in providing for the posting required in this section.
Source. 1991, 364:1. 1994, 28:2, 3, eff. June 21, 1994.