I. Annually, beginning with the 2002-2003 school year, each school district shall report data to the department of education at the school and district levels on the indicators set forth in this paragraph. The department of education shall develop a reasonable schedule to phase-in the reporting of new data required by federal law. The requirements for data keeping and the form of the report shall be established in accordance with rules adopted by the state board of education. Indicators shall include the following areas:
      (a) Attendance rates.
      (b) Annual and cumulative drop-out rates of high school pupils and annual drop-out rates for pupils in grades 7 and 8.
      (c) School environment indicators, such as safe-schools data.
      (d) Number and percentage of graduating pupils going on to post-secondary education, military service, and advanced placement participation.
      (e) Performance on state tests administered pursuant to RSA 193-C and other standardized tests administered at local option.
      (f) Expulsion and suspension rates, including in-school and out-of-school suspensions, which shall be reported for each school year.
      (g) Number and percentage of classes taught by highly qualified teachers.
      (h) Teacher and administrative turnover rates at the school and district levels.
   II. The department of education, with the approval of the legislative oversight committee established in RSA 193-C:7, may implement and report data on any additional indicators deemed relevant to the purposes of this section.
   III. Not later than December 1, 2003, and annually thereafter, the department of education shall issue a public report on the condition of education statewide and on a district-by-district and school-by-school basis. This report shall be entitled ""New Hampshire School District Profiles'' and shall be made available at every school administrative unit for public review. It shall include demographic and pupil performance data reported in paragraph I and other relevant statistics as determined by the department of education. Comparisons with state averages shall be provided for all data reported. Comparisons of each district and school to itself based on its own statewide improvement and assessment performance for the prior school year and its most recent 3-year rolling averages shall be provided. Statewide rankings of each district and school shall be provided, including a statewide ranking of each school and school district based on the percentage increase of improvement as compared with the same school district's performance in the previous year. The report shall be organized and presented in a manner that is easily understood by the public and that assists each school district with the identification of trends, strengths, and weaknesses and the development of its local school education improvement plan.
   IV. Data reported in paragraph I shall be disaggregated as required by federal law and shall include numbers and percentages of pupils with disabilities, limited English proficient pupils, pupils in advanced placement programs, economically disadvantaged pupils, and pupils of major racial and multi-racial groups.
   V. In order to reduce school districts' administrative time and costs, the department of education shall develop and utilize user-friendly, computer forms and programs to collect the data set forth in paragraph I and all enrollment and cost data related to determining the cost of an adequate education.
Source. 1998, 389:1. 2003, 314:1. 2004, 147:2. 2005, 257:15. 2007, 270:3, eff. June 29, 2007.