In all votes regarding school administrative unit affairs, including the organization of such unit's school board and selection of officers, each district shall be entitled to one vote for each 16 pupils residing in that district and enrolled in schools under the administrative unit. A balance of 8 or more students shall entitle that district to an additional vote. A balance of fewer than 8 students shall have no net effect on a district's vote. Enrollments shall be based on the average daily membership in residence of each district for the school year which ended in the preceding June. Weighted votes shall only be used upon the demand of a majority of the members of any board present and voting in the school administrative unit. The school board members present at a school administrative unit school board meeting shall be entitled to cast the entire number of votes assigned to their school districts, provided that each representative present shall be entitled to a proportionate share of the total to be cast as provided in RSA 194-C:7.
Source. 1996, 298:3, eff. Aug. 9, 1996.