I. To aid local school districts in meeting the costs of the payment of debt for school buildings and educational administration buildings, including office facilities for school administrative units, and to meet the costs of leasing permanent space in a building which is used for the operation of a high school vocational technical education program, the department of education shall, from funds appropriated by the general court to carry out the provisions of this subdivision, pay annually to the school districts of the state, sums in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision or the alternative school building aid provisions under RSA 198:15-u through RSA 198:15-w, depending on which option a school district elects. The annual grant to school districts shall be made in 2 approximately equal payments, one in October and one in April of each fiscal year. No payment shall be made to a school district prior to the district's first payment on the amount of principal borrowed.
   II. To provide funds for appropriations made to the department of education relative to paragraph I for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2009, June 30, 2010, and June 30, 2011, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state the sums necessary for payment of such grants and for said purpose may issue bonds and notes in the name of and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with RSA 6-A. Payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes shall be made when due by the state treasurer from funds designated under RSA 78-A:26, I(a).
Source. 1955, 335:9, par. 14-a. 1967, 449:2. 2003, 296:1; 306:1. 2005, 180:1, eff. Aug. 29, 2005. 2009, 144:12, eff. July 1, 2009.