The state library shall provide the following library services and facilities for the benefit of the various branches of state government and for the people of the state.
   I. Legislative Reference Service. A reference service and collection of materials especially designed to provide such information as will aid the members of the general court to meet their legislative responsibilities.
   II. [Repealed.]
   III. General Reference Service. A collection of books and related materials necessary for an adequate reference service to provide for the needs of state and local officials and employees, educators and scholars, and the general public. This collection shall include:
      (a) Materials especially relating to the work of the several departments;
      (b) Books, manuscripts and other material concerning the state, including all the official publications of the state and its political subdivisions; and
      (c) Books and related materials to supplement and reinforce the resources of public libraries and school libraries.
   IV. [Repealed.]
   V. Advisory and Planning Assistance. Promote and advance library service throughout the state and serve as the coordinator for a statewide system of libraries. It may supply professional advice and information on the management and operation of libraries through conferences, institutes, correspondence and publications and may organize and administer projects to demonstrate efficient and economical methods of improved service. It shall collect information about libraries; study library problems and make the findings known throughout the state.
   VI. Library Services to Persons with Disabilities and Advisory Service to State Institutions.
      (a) Provide disabled persons with talking books, large print books, and other federally funded services as provided under P.L. 91-600 as amended.
      (b) Provide consultant services to the tax-supported residential-treatment institutions of New Hampshire. Such services shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
         (1) To render encouragement, advice and assistance for the establishment and operation of institutional libraries;
         (2) To establish guidelines for institutional libraries;
         (3) To make grants for developing library media services;
         (4) To collect information on the nature, extent and quality of institutional library services and publish statistics on a regular basis;
         (5) To promote the need for adequate institutional library service to the community at large;
         (6) To promote inter-departmental cooperation and communication between institutional libraries;
         (7) To promote cooperation between the public libraries, state agencies and institutional libraries; and
         (8) To serve as a channel for informing institutions of federal and other library funding.
Source. GS 7:1. GL 7:1. PS 8:1. 1917, 59:1. PL 10:1. RL 15:1. 1943, 90:1, par. 7. RSA 201:7. 1963, 21:1. 1977, 241:1. 1981, 365:1; 499:6, I; 510:6. 1990, 140:2, III, X. 1994, 7:8, eff. April 5, 1994.