Except in those cities where other provision has been made by general or special act of the legislature, the library trustees of every public library in the state shall:
   I. Adopt bylaws, rules and regulations for its own transaction of business and for the government of the library;
   II. Prepare an annual budget indicating what support and maintenance of the free public library will be required out of public funds for submission to the appropriate agency of the municipality. A separate budget request shall be submitted for new construction, capital improvements of existing library property;
   III. Expend all moneys raised and appropriated by the town or city for library purposes and shall direct that such moneys be paid over by the town or city treasurer pursuant to a payment schedule as agreed to by the library trustees and the selectmen or city council. All money received from fines and payments for lost or damaged books or for the support of a library in another city or town under contract to furnish library service to such town or city, shall be used for general repairs and upgrading, and for the purchase of books, supplies and income-generating equipment, shall be held in a nonlapsing separate fund and shall be in addition to the appropriation;
   IV. Expend income from all trust funds for library purposes for the support and maintenance of the public library in said town or city in accordance with the conditions of each donation or bequest accepted by the town or city;
   V. Appoint a librarian who shall not be a trustee and, in consultation with the librarian, all other employees of the library and determine their compensation and other terms of employment unless, in the cities, other provision is made in the city charter or ordinances.
Source. 1917, 59:1. 1919, 35:1. PL 10:56. 1927, 82:4. 1933, 60:3. RL 15:59. 1943, 90:2. RSA 202:10. 1963, 46:1. 1983, 272:1. 2000, 9:4, eff. April 16, 2000.