Every library regularly open to the public, or to some portion of the public, with or without limitations, whether its ownership is vested in the town, in a corporation, in an organization or association, or in individuals, shall make a written report to the town or city at the conclusion of each fiscal year of (a) all receipts from whatever sources, (b) all expenditures, (c) all property in the trustees' care and custody, including a statement and explanation of any unexpended balance of money they may have, (d) and any bequests or donations they may have received and are holding in behalf of the town, with such recommendations in reference to the same as they may deem necessary for the town to consider, (e) the total number of books and other materials and the number added by gift, purchase and otherwise; the number lost or withdrawn, (f) the number of borrowers and readers and a statement of the use of the property of the library in furthering the educational requirements of the municipality and such other information and suggestions as may seem desirable, (g) submit a similar report to the state librarian at such time and on such forms as the commissioner of cultural resources may require.
Source. 1917, 59:1. PL 10:57. RL 15:60. RSA 202:11. 1963, 46:1. 1990, 73:1. 1998, 363:3, eff. Aug. 25, 1998.