The provisions of RSA 4:40 notwithstanding, the governor and council may transfer surplus state owned property to the authority for use as sites for low and moderate income housing. Transfer of property for this purpose shall occur under the following procedure:
   I. The authority shall petition the head of any department having jurisdiction over property the authority determines to be suitable for use as housing sites to declare such property surplus.
   II. The department head shall notify the authority and the committee in writing whether or not the department considers the property surplus.
   III. If the department considers the property surplus, the committee shall review the property to determine if it is suitable for uses permitted by this chapter.
   IV. If the committee determines that the property is suitable for such uses, the authority shall request that the governor and council transfer the property, without consideration, to the authority.
Source. 1988, 250:2, eff. April 30, 1988.