I. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 207:10, a crossbow permit may be issued to a person who has a permanent physical disability and as a result of that disability the person cannot operate a conventional longbow or compound bow safely. Such permit shall allow that person to take any species permitted to be taken by bow and arrow pursuant to RSA 208:5, provided that the bow and arrow license under RSA 208:5 and the necessary licenses under RSA 208, RSA 209, and RSA 214 have been acquired each year. The permit applicant may be required to appear before the executive director, the director's designee or designated medical consultant or consultants to substantiate the presence of the disability and demonstrate the ability to safely use a crossbow. The applicant shall be responsible for submitting medical documentation as required by the executive director. The executive director may require a second medical opinion from a medical consultant or physician designated by the executive director to verify the disability. Any costs associated with obtaining the medical documentation, re-evaluation of the information or a second medical opinion, upon recommendation of the medical consultant or consultants, are the responsibility of the applicant. The executive director shall determine the eligibility of the applicant, and the executive director's decision shall be final.
   II. The crossbow permit shall be perpetual. The executive director shall retain the records for such permits for a period not less than 7 years. Loss or destruction of the permit after 7 years shall obligate the permittee to re-establish eligibility.
   III. The medical documentation requested under paragraph I shall consist of:
      (a) Signed application and statement of disability by the applicant; and
      (b) Signed medical section to be completed by the applicant's physician providing applicant's medical history, physical examination findings and attesting to the disability and its permanence.
   IV. The fee for taking deer shall be the same as provided in RSA 208:5, and the fee for taking bear, wild turkey, or carp shall be the appropriate fee established under RSA 214:9.
   V. A $10 administrative fee shall be charged once, upon application to the executive director for such permit.
   VI. Any person possessing a valid crossbow permit under this section on January 1, 1997, may apply on or before January 1, 1998, and shall be issued upon payment of a $10 administrative fee a permanent crossbow permit.
Source. 1981, 88:1. 1990, 140:2, I. 1993, 44:1, eff. June 7, 1993. 1996, 202:2, eff. Jan. 1, 1997. 1999, 108:1, eff. Aug. 9, 1999. 2007, 52:1, eff. July 21, 2007.