I. No person shall erect, build or use a tree stand or observation blind on land of another person that damages or destroys a tree by inserting into the tree any metallic, ceramic, or other object used as part of a ladder or observation deck, without express written permission from the property owner or designee.
   II. No person shall erect, build or use a pit blind on land of another person without express written permission from the property owner or designee.
   III. No person shall cut any tree in connection with any of the activities regulated under this section without the express written permission of the property owner or designee.
   IV. The permittee shall carry such permit on his person while in the field and shall be subject to inspection on demand of any conservation officer.
   V. All property owner permits shall expire on December 31 of each year unless rescinded by the property owner or designee.
   VI. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be liable for the amount of damage caused by the act, to be recovered by the property owner sustaining the damage.
   VII. The executive director shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to the form, issuance and filing of property owner permits for the tree stands, observation blinds and pit blinds.
Source. 1991, 144:1, eff. July 19, 1991.