I. No ATV or trail bike trail shall be established after the effective date of this paragraph or subsequently maintained on state-owned property unless all of the following conditions are met:
      (a) The property has been evaluated by the bureau in cooperation with the department of fish and game and the department of resources and economic development, division of forests and lands, and other state agencies that are custodians of the property using the coarse and fine filter criteria, established under RSA 215-A:43, and has passed such criteria as determined by the commissioner of the department of resources and economic development and the executive director of the department of fish and game.
      (b) A memorandum of understanding (memorandum) exists between the bureau, the fish and game department, the department of resources and economic development, division of forests and lands, and all other state agencies that are custodians of the property. The memorandum shall include, but not be limited to, the responsibilities that each agency has in monitoring, maintaining, and enforcing relevant laws relative to the trail and the type of OHRV permitted on approved trails. The bureau shall enter into the memorandum only if it is certain that proper monitoring and maintenance of the trail shall occur, either through its own resources or those of others. The fish and game department shall enter into the memorandum only if it can commit sufficient resources to reasonably monitor for proper ATV or trail bike use on the property and enforce the applicable laws.
      (c) A written agreement is in effect between the bureau and a locally-organized ATV or trail bike club recognized by the bureau that details the club's ongoing responsibilities, including but not limited to, monitoring the use and condition of the trail, erecting signage, educating operators, performing maintenance, and monitoring compliance with laws and regulations. Should the club fail to fulfill some or all of its responsibilities, the bureau or its agent may assume such responsibilities provided sufficient resources are available and committed.
      (d) A management plan exists for the property that specifically allows ATV or trail bike use on the property, and the ATV or trail bike trail does not otherwise conflict with the management plan. Any state agency proposing to establish or change a management plan that affects ATV or trail bike use on state property shall publicize such plan and provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the plan before enactment.
   II. An ATV or trail bike trail on state-owned property may be closed to ATV or trail bike use by the bureau, if the bureau finds that:
      (a) ATV or trail bike use on the property is not in conformance with this chapter;
      (b) Responsibilities assumed by the locally-organized ATV or trail bike club pursuant to subparagraph I(c) are not being met; or
      (c) Provisions of the memorandum between the state agencies as entered into pursuant to subparagraph I(b) require such closure.
   III. The bureau may not permanently close a trail under paragraph II to ATV or trail bike use except upon a request made to the commissioner of resources and economic development to act under RSA 216-F:2, III, and not without first holding a public hearing in the local area in which the trail is located. Such hearing shall be noticed to the requesting party and the governing body of the affected municipalities and advertised at least 14 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of statewide circulation and also in any local newspapers to the cities and towns in which the state property is located.
Source. 2002, 233:16, eff. July 1, 2002. 2003, 295:7, eff. July 1, 2003.