The provisions of RSA 236:56 shall apply to all OHRVs as herein defined with the following exceptions:
   I. Highway crossings for established OHRV trails may be granted pursuant to RSA 215-A:3, VI.
   II. No direct crossing of interstate highways or toll roads shall be permitted.
   III. No direct crossings of limited access highways, except those highways designated as controlled access highways by the commissioner of the department of transportation shall be permitted.
   IV. Pursuant to RSA 215-A:3, VI the commissioner of the department of transportation may issue written permission to the supervisor of the bureau to establish OHRV trail crossings either under or over interstate, toll or limited access highways.
   V. The policy governing any OHRV trail connector or trail crossing within class I, II, and III highway rights-of-way shall be as determined by the commissioner of the department of transportation.
   VI. [Repealed.]
   VII. When travel by conventional motor vehicles is not possible during a period of emergency declared by the appropriate authority having jurisdiction, an OHRV may be operated on any portion of an interstate highway, toll road, limited access highway, public highway or any other restricted area, provided that the operator of said vehicle has received the specific authority of an officer authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter to so operate.
   VIII. [Repealed.]
Source. 1981, 538:3. 1986, 152:8. 1988, 264:3. 1989, 179:3, 4. 1990, 133:6, eff. June 18, 1990; 186:5, eff. Oct. 1, 1990. 2004, 250:9, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.