The governing body, elected or appointed officers or other appointed agents of a town, city, or unincorporated place, or a private person pursuant to RSA 236:129 may initiate proceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of this subdivision. In addition to the criminal penalty in RSA 236:127, enforcement may be by the following:
   I. The local governing body may obtain a mandatory injunction to end the violation.
   II. If the local governing body does not obtain such an injunction the attorney general may obtain an injunction in the name of the state.
   III. The local governing body or other enforcement official of the town, city, or unincorporated place, after providing notice, may impose a civil penalty of up to $50 for each day upon any person whose land is deemed a nuisance pursuant to RSA 236:119 until such time as the nuisance is removed or abated to the satisfaction of the governing body, or until the owner of the land acquires a license and is in compliance with the provisions of this subdivision. The building inspector or other local official with the authority to enforce the provisions of this section may commence an action to collect the civil penalty in the district court. Imposition of a civil penalty under this paragraph shall not relieve the owner of any requirement to comply with the provisions of this subdivision, nor shall it preclude the imposition of further actions or remedies under this chapter. The proceeds from the assessment of civil penalties under this section shall be for the use of the town, city, or unincorporated place. This paragraph shall not apply to automotive recycling yards and junkyards properly licensed or pending license renewal under this subdivision.
Source. RSA 267-A:16. 1965, 372:1. 1981, 87:1. 1985, 103:16. 2003, 118:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.