The justice shall cause notice to be given to the owner or person leaving the same, if known, of the time appointed by him to view the encumbrance, and, after hearing such party if he attend, may upon his own view issue his warrant to the official to remove the same so far as he shall judge necessary for the public convenience, and to sell so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the legal costs, taxed by him, and 3 times the price of the labor of removing the same, to be estimated by the justice.
Source. RS 59:3. CS 63:3. GS 70:5. GL 76:5. PS 77:5. PL 92:5. RL 108:5. 1945, 188:1, part 19:30. RSA 249:35. 1981, 87:1, eff. April 20, 1981.