As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
   I. ""Central New Hampshire Turnpike'' shall mean the turnpike constructed pursuant to the appropriate subdivision of this chapter including the relocation and improvements constructed and such further improvements, modifications and extensions as the general court may hereafter authorize as part of the central New Hampshire turnpike.
   II. ""Eastern New Hampshire Turnpike'' shall mean the toll road constructed pursuant to the appropriate subdivision of this chapter, the bridge constructed under RSA 237:29-33 and the improvements and extension authorized by this chapter and such further improvements, modifications and extensions as the general court may hereafter authorize as part of the eastern New Hampshire turnpike.
   III. ""New Hampshire Turnpike System'' shall mean the toll highway authorized by this chapter and such further toll highways and improvements, modifications and extensions of toll highways as the general court may hereafter authorize as part of the New Hampshire turnpike system. When the bonds issued prior to January 1, 1971, to finance the central New Hampshire turnpike have been fully paid, or sums deposited with the paying agent for such payment, the central New Hampshire turnpike shall become a part of the New Hampshire turnpike system, the toll account established under RSA 237:40 shall become part of the toll account established under RSA 237:9. When the bonds issued prior to January 1, 1971, to finance the eastern New Hampshire turnpike have been fully paid, or sums deposited with the paying agent for such payment, the eastern New Hampshire turnpike shall become part of the New Hampshire turnpike system, the toll account established under RSA 237:24 shall become part of the toll account established under RSA 237:9.
Source. RSA 256-C:1. 1971, 520:1. 1981, 87:1, eff. April 20, 1981.