Subject to RSA 237:3, II, the commissioner of the department of transportation, with the approval of the governor and council, is authorized to:
   I. Make improvements to that portion of the eastern New Hampshire turnpike known as the Blue Star memorial highway, including, but not limited to, the addition of 2 traffic lanes in each direction from the route N.H. 107 interchange in Seabrook to the route N.H. 101 interchange in Portsmouth and the reconstruction of the toll facilities in the town of Hampton;
   II. Acquire land and make improvements to that portion of the eastern New Hampshire turnpike known as the Spaulding turnpike and extend said turnpike with 2 lanes including the completion of existing interchange number 9, the Dover-Somersworth interchange including the access roads into and away from the Weeks traffic circle in the city of Dover, and the extension of the turnpike to the 1965 Milton-Wakefield project, the expansion of the Dover toll facility, safety and widening improvements along the turnpike, purchases of access in critical sections, and study the Spaulding turnpike for expansion from 2 to 4 lanes from the intersection of Route 125 and the Spaulding turnpike north to the intersection of Route 11 and the Spaulding turnpike.
   II-a. Include, as part of the study for a 4-lane east-west highway from I-393 in Concord to the Spaulding turnpike as defined in 1986, 203:8 as amended by 1988, 266:2 and 1990, 244:2, as one alternative, a corridor that would intercept the Spaulding turnpike between existing exit 9 and exit 11. This interchange would be known as exit 10. Such study shall include an evaluation of the potential social, economic and environmental impacts, and preliminary design for the siting of an interchange and exit 10.
   II-b. Make improvements to the Spaulding turnpike by constructing exit 10.
   II-c. Redesign and reconstruct a portion of exit 6 on the Spaulding turnpike at its intersection with N.H. Route 4 and Boston Harbor Road. This project shall not begin until the governor and council authorize a transfer of a sum not to exceed $1,000,000 from any funds remaining in projects under RSA 237:7, I as authorized by RSA 237:7, II.
   II-d. Construct a second barrel on the Spaulding turnpike from exits 12 to 16 with related interchange improvements from exits 11 to 16, as needed.
   II-e. Construct improvements to the Spaulding turnpike/US 4/N.H. 16 extending from just north of the Gosling Road intersection in Newington to just south of the most southerly toll plaza in Dover, including improvements to access on and off the highway.
   III. Make improvements to the central New Hampshire turnpike, including, but not limited to, the addition of a traffic lane or lanes in each direction from a point near the proposed junction of interstate route 93 near the Manchester-Hooksett town line to a point northerly of the junction of interstate route 89 in the city of Concord and the reconstruction of the toll facilities in the town of Hooksett.
   IV. Make improvements to the central New Hampshire turnpike, including, but not limited to:
      (a) The design, right-of-way acquisition and construction for the improvement of the central New Hampshire turnpike in Nashua between the Massachusetts line and exit 3 to include reconstruction of exit 1, also including associated widening and the construction of a new northbound on-ramp from Daniel E. Webster highway to the central turnpike, and the design and land acquisition for a new interchange at exit 2 which connects to a new interchange at the Daniel E. Webster highway and for additional lanes on the turnpike between the state line and exit 3. The commissioner of the department of transportation is hereby directed to make this project a priority and to begin construction within the biennium ending June 30, 1987.
      (b) Construction of a new exit 8, formerly exit 7W, in Nashua. The commissioner of the department of transportation is hereby directed to prioritize this project and to begin construction within the 1985 biennium.
      (c) Reconstruction of exit 11, formerly exit 8, in Merrimack to remove the current toll plaza providing toll collection equipment on the southbound on and northbound off ramps.
      (d) Construction of the main line toll plaza in Bedford.
      (e) For the construction of a northbound off ramp and a southbound on ramp to the Everett turnpike at the Bedford road in the town of Merrimack; the widening and lengthening of the overpass bridge at Bedford road; and the installation of toll booths for both ramps.
      (f) Continue design and engineering of the modernization of the central turnpike.
      (g) Construction of a bridge crossing the Merrimack River connecting U.S. 3 in Merrimack and N.H. 102 in Litchfield with future design consideration for a segment of highway connecting N.H. 102 in Litchfield and N.H. 111 in Hudson.
   V. Make improvements to the central New Hampshire turnpike, including, but not limited to, the addition of a Merrimack industrial interchange, including toll collection equipment, and a 1.5 mile access highway between U.S. Route 3 and Camp Sargent road.
   VI. Make improvements to the eastern New Hampshire turnpike by the construction of a full interchange on the Spaulding turnpike at Gosling road, Pease Air Force Base.
   VII. Acquire land as required and make improvements to the central New Hampshire turnpike including, but not limited to, completing the connection to the Merrimack industrial interchange, relocation of Camp Sargent Road, improvements to interchanges 3 through 7 as required, the extension of the system to include an easterly circumferential beltway around Nashua extending from exit 2 and running easterly through the city of Nashua and the towns of Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimack to an intersection with the existing turnpike, improvements and widening between interchanges 2 and 7, widening between the Route 101 intersection and the Amoskeag interchange in Manchester, and coordinating a study of widening between the I-89 and I-93 interchanges.
   VIII. Acquire and install new toll collection equipment.
   IX. Make such other and further improvements to the New Hampshire turnpike system as may be required by RSA 240.
   X. Acquire, expand, and make improvements to the eastern New Hampshire turnpike from the northerly expansion joint of the Interstate Route 95 bridge over the Spaulding turnpike, U.S. Route 4 and N.H. Route 16 (bridge No. 197/122) north to a point on the New Hampshire-Maine border in the city of Portsmouth, said improvements to include the installation of open road tolling for the toll currently on Interstate Route 95 in the town of Hampton.
Source. RSA 256-C:2. 1971, 520:1. 1973, 559:1. 1975, 286:6. 1981, 87:1. 1982, 42:58. 1983, 76:1; 427:1; 451:1. 1985, 391:3; 402:6, I(b)(8). 1986, 203:10-12. 1987, 266:2. 1989, 356:1. 1991, 255:1; 301:1-5. 1992, 217:1. 1994, 281:1. 1998, 306:2. 2000, 309:11. 2004, 262:4. 2006, 240:7, eff. July 31, 2006. 2009, 144:82, eff. July 1, 2009.