The authority may:
   I. Sue and be sued, subject to all privileges and immunities of the state of New Hampshire.
   II. Have a seal and alter the seal.
   III. Adopt and amend bylaws covering procedure and rules for the purposes of this chapter, develop and adopt rules in accordance with the laws of the state of New Hampshire, publish bylaws and rules as necessary or advisable, and cause records of its proceedings to be kept.
   IV. Employ such assistants, attorneys, experts, inspectors, and such other employees and consultants as the board of directors considers necessary for its purposes. The authority shall not be required to hire such personnel in accordance with state personnel rules, so long as state general funds have not been appropriated to fund positions for any such personnel.
   V. Utilize the services and resources of the department of transportation that are available and expedient. All charges for services provided by the department may be paid to it by the authority as mutually agreed upon.
   VI. Utilize the services of the Nashua regional planning commission or other regional planning commissions that are available and expedient. All charges for services provided by such commission may be paid to it by the authority as mutually agreed upon.
   VII. Acquire any property or property rights through purchase, lease, lease-purchase, gift, contract, devise, or otherwise. In making these acquisitions the authority may exercise the power of eminent domain following the same procedure set forth for similar government agencies under the laws of the state of New Hampshire, provided it is consistent with the purposes established under the New Hampshire constitution and approved by a joint resolution of the general court.
   VIII. Accept gifts, grants, or loans of money or other property, and enter into contracts or other transactions with any federal or state agency, or any other public entity.
   IX. Enter into and fulfill any contracts or agreements with public or private transportation operators, government agencies, or other entities for management, operation, or support of public transit services or as the board of directors otherwise deems necessary.
   X. Lease the passenger rail system or part thereof, or contract for the use of the passenger rail system or any part thereof with any operator as may be required for operation of the passenger rail service.
   XI. Receive and disburse funds for authority purposes. The authority shall have the power to deposit any monies of the authority, in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the state of New Hampshire governing the deposit of public monies in such bank or banks or investment deposit pools as may be authorized to receive deposits of public funds.
   XII. Issue bonds for the implementation of any project of the authority, including the acquisition of property, or paying off of any debt or obligation of the authority. The authority may issue such types of bonds as may be determined by the board of directors, including certificates on which principal and interest are payable:
      (a) Exclusively from income or revenue from the operation of the authority financed with the proceeds of such bonds or together with such proceeds and grants from any instrumentality or other person or corporation in aid of such projects.
      (b) Exclusively from income and revenues of certain designated projects.
      (c) From general revenues of the authority. Any such bond may be additionally secured by mortgage of the passenger rail system or any part thereof constituting real or personal property of the authority.
   XIII. Conduct or cause to be conducted any studies that the authority determines necessary.
   XIV. Enter into agreements, contracts, and compacts with any government agency, Pan Am Railways, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, and any other person or entity, public or private, as may be required to develop, establish, and provide passenger rail transportation services, including but not limited to property owners and developers of property adjacent to or incidental to the railroad lines and related facilities.
   XV. In conjunction with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority or any other government agency with a vested interest in such matters, fix equitable fares or charges and other rules and regulations for passenger rail services developed or established in whole or in part by the authority.
   XVI. Take all lawful action necessary and incidental to effectuate the purposes set forth in this chapter.
Source. 2007, 360:1, eff. July 17, 2007. 2009, 150:5, 6, eff. July 8, 2009.