I. The department shall upon application issue a nondriver's picture identification card to any resident who:
      (a) Is 12 years of age or older and does not possess a driver's license,
      (b) Is disabled and does not possess a driver's license, or
      (c) Is 65 years of age or older, whether or not said resident possesses a driver's license.
   II. The department shall, before issuing a card to an applicant, require the applicant to furnish proof of his or her name, age, and residence. The department shall accept the following forms of proof unless there is evidence that the item is not genuine:
      (a) A current United States passport.
      (b) An armed services identification, or other photo identification issued or authenticated by the United States government, the state of New Hampshire, or a New Hampshire municipality.
      (c) Two or more of the following:
         (1) A certified or original birth certificate.
         (2) A utility bill that is postmarked to the applicant.
         (3) A lease or deed or a letter from the town or city clerk verifying the applicant's residency in the town or city.
         (4) A marriage certificate or official court document if the person has changed his or her name.
         (5) A non-photo identification issued or authenticated by the United States government, the state of New Hampshire, or a New Hampshire municipality.
         (6) Other documentation recognized by the department for other purposes.
      (d) A notarized statement mailed to the department by registered mail by the department of health and human services verifying the applicant's name, age, and residence and that the applicant is or has been in the custody of the department of health and human services under RSA 463 or under the custody or legal supervision of the department of health and human services pursuant to a proceeding under RSA 169-B, 169-C, or 169-D. This subparagraph shall only apply to applicants under 21 years of age and over 18 years of age or, in the case of a person found delinquent, over 17 years of age. The department shall also accept such a statement that does not verify residence if the applicant provides a notarized statement verifying residence from a homeless shelter or agency or organization receiving federal or state funding for homeless services on the letterhead of the shelter, agency, or organization.
   III. The identification card shall bear the name, address, social security number, date of birth, blood type (optional), picture and signature of the applicant, and in the case of a card issued pursuant to RSA 260:21, I(c), said card shall bear the notation ""Golden Granite State Discount Card.''
   IV. The identification card shall be valid for 5 years from the date of issuance; provided, however, that a card issued pursuant to RSA 260:21, I(c) shall be valid for as long as the holder is a resident of the state and a card issued pursuant to RSA 260:21, XI shall be valid for 2 years from the date of issuance.
   V. The fee for such card shall be $10 and is not refundable, except that no fee shall be charged to any person who, for reason of health or age, turns in his driver's license before the expiration date of such license. For purposes of this section, reasons of age shall be deemed to apply only to those persons over age 65.
   VI. Any person who knowingly alters the information contained on the identification card or misrepresents to the department any information on the card shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
   VII. The state of New Hampshire shall not be liable in any action when the information contained on the card is false or when any unauthorized person misuses said card.
   VIII. In addition to the information specified in this section, a suitable decal or symbol shall be affixed to the identification card in accordance with RSA 263:41, II if the applicant has registered with the division of motor vehicles as an organ and tissue donor.
   IX. An identification card issued under the provisions of this section may be withdrawn at any time for just cause, at the discretion of the director. The director shall withdraw an identification card when any person is found to have violated the provisions of RSA 179:8 and RSA 179:9.
   X. The director shall keep a record of the cards issued, and each card shall contain an identification number specifically assigned to the person to whom the card was issued.
   XI. The department shall issue a nondriver's picture identification card to an inmate about to be released pursuant to RSA 651-A:6, IV, without requiring any proof of name, age, or residence. The card need not bear the inmate's new address if it is unknown prior to release.
Source. RSA 259:21. 1977, 194:1. 1979, 88:1; 469:2-4. 1981, 146:1. 1985, 303:6. 1990, 79:9; 140:2, X; 255:6. 1993, 117:2. 1994, 67:1. 1997, 336:3. 2002, 83:6, eff. May 3, 2002. 2006, 216:3, eff. July 31, 2006. 2008, 277:1-3, eff. Aug. 26, 2008.