I. If a distributor fails to maintain an active bond, as required by RSA 260:37, or at any time files a false monthly report, or willfully fails, neglects, or refuses to file the monthly report, or to pay the full amount of the road toll as required by this subdivision, the commissioner, after 10 days' written notice by certified mail directed to the last known address appearing on the files of the department:
      (a) Shall fix a time and place at which the distributor may appear and show cause why such license should not be suspended or revoked; or
      (b) May suspend or revoke the license, in which case the commissioner shall notify the distributor in writing of the suspension or revocation by certified mail. Any distributor whose license shall have been suspended or revoked by the commissioner may, within 30 days from the date of such suspension or revocation, make application in the nature of an appeal to the governor and council.
   II. Upon receipt of a written request from any distributor to cancel the license issued to the distributor, the commissioner shall have the power to cancel the license effective 60 days from the date of the receipt of the written request. No license shall be cancelled unless the distributor shall, prior to the date of the cancellation, have paid all road tolls payable, together with all penalties and interest accruing under the provisions of this subdivision and until the distributor shall have surrendered to the commissioner its license certificate. If, upon investigation, the department shall find that any person to whom a license has been issued is no longer engaged in the sale of motor fuel as a distributor, and has not been so engaged for a period of 6 months, the commissioner shall have the power to cancel such license by giving the person 60 days' notice of cancellation mailed to the last known address of the person, in which event the license certificate issued to the person shall be surrendered to the department.
   III. In the event that the license of any distributor shall be cancelled by the commissioner as provided, in this section and in the further event that the distributor shall have paid all road tolls due, together with all penalties and interest accruing under any of the provisions of this subdivision, the commissioner shall cancel and surrender the bond, cash, or securities filed by the distributor.
Source. 1943, 65:1. RSA 265:11. 1981, 146:1. 1988, 64:11. 1996, 292:16, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.